Monday, December 10, 2007

Final Destination

"You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us."

As silly as this sounds, a personality test brightened my day and changed my perspective about the future. As is the current trend, I simutaneously tense up, fumble for my words, and turn a lovely shade of red each time a relative utters the question, "What are your plans after graduation." What I should do is create an abridged pamphlet containing my hopes, dreams, and aspirations to pass out to my disappointed kin. Granted, it would be a small pamplet....but I would fill it with lots of pretty pictures. Anyway. I've decided not to stress out about my 'future'. I'm 21 years old. There's far too much emphasis put on:
a) Finding a job as soon as you graduate.

b) Finding a man to marry IMMEDIATELY.
c) Popping out babies by age 25.
Obviously, these are all things that I'd like to have one day.
a) I do want to find a job. But, I want it to be a job that I love. A job that doesn't require a crane tearing through the roof of my house each morning to pry a sobbing me from my warm, adhesive-like bed.
b) Two words: Divorce rates. They're high. Why would I want to up and marry the first boy that comes around and tells me I'm pretty? Stability, maybe? I don't know. People are idiots. I can't imagine marrying a rich guy just so I'd be set for the rest of my life. Why doesn't personality matter anymore? I want someone that I'm madly in love with...someone that makes me laugh....someone that has passion and drive and motivation (to fill my lackthereof..duh!). I'm just going to say it now. If you ain't funny, you ain't nuffin'. I'm very critical about the extent to which acquaintances make me laugh. CALL ME PRETENTIOUS, but I'm just trying to tack on some extra years to my life by laughing. SO SUE ME. That being said, I'm taking my sweet time finding love. As though I really have a choice in the matter. I guess I do...I'm picky. That's having a huge say in the matter. Sigh.
c) This one speaks for itself. Babies rule. They really do. (Note: words proceeding this are not intended to sound selfish) However, as soon as that wittle, cute baby pops out...he/she is your life. I mean, it's a HUMAN LIFE. It has to be your number one priority. If it's not...then I think you're more selfish than I am.

I want to take a year off. I want to get a job at Mylan making $12/hour. I want to save up enough money to travel abroad. I want an open-ended ticket so that I can stay for as long as I please. I want to come back home to Morgantown. I want to decide whether graduate school is for me.

Why is taking a year off so frowned upon? I think it sounds delightful.

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