Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Alright, so I lied.

I realized today that I don't hate everyone at my place of employment.

I like the janitor. A lot. He's the friendliest guy I've ever met in my life.

Every day at 4:00 p.m., he goes from cubicle to cubicle spreading his cheer and goodwill to everyone, in the likeness of Santa Claus...except he isn't fat and is rather fond of blue flannel. Whether everyone appreciates his cheer, is a whole separate matter. He finally gets to my cube and says something like, "It's a shame that you missed this beautiful day" or "You're almost 'outta here!" I really think he's the only person in that whole corporate office that genuinely gives a damn about my day. He smiles while he empties my trash can full of mint wrappers and empty white out containers, and then moves along to the next cube, where he is never seems to be as graciously welcomed and received. These types of people are few and far between. What a shame.

I like the Data Entry ladies, too. They talk dirty when no one is listening, which is hilarious because you would never in a million years expect it out of them. I told them today that I was rethinking Gabriel Brothers as my future career....that no one really seemed happy. They looked at each other and started cackling. "We could have told you that the first day you got here!" Then Maureen told me that I was just like her....a dreamer. She said that I shouldn't wait to travel the world. I should do it when I'm not tied down by house payments, car insurance, and "spoiled, rotten, children".

So, I got online, clicked on my Google toolbar, and typed in "Travel abroad for free".

Out of the first few pagesof results...a particular one caught my eye:
Become an Au Pair!

Thanks, Google! I think I will.
I'll hear from a representative by next Monday.
So now..I have hope again.

This is me in Ireland taking landscape portraits atop beautiful, muscular horses.

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