Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sayonara, Sucker!

How do you expect me to enjoy a job for the rest of my life if I only get Thanksgiving day off?

I can't!

That's it. I quit.

Oh yeah....and I guess there's this, too:
call me godzilla: you wake up every morning at 7 to be at work at 9
call me godzilla: your alarm goes off
call me godzilla: you roll out of bed the same way, on the same side, every morning
call me godzilla: you shower, get dressed, and walk out the door at the same time, going down the same stairs, walking down the same sidewalk, saying hello to the same overweight, old, neighbors
call me godzilla: you get stuck in the same morning traffic
call me godzilla: every morning, the radio plays the same music at almost the same exact time
call me godzilla: you get to work, and you have the same vapid talk about office politics and taking the kids to soccer games/football games/baseball games
call me godzilla: you sit in the corner cubicle with a single potted plant and a stapler that rarely works with a computer with an eye catching background of some forest you've never visited
Ricekristinies: I hate the people at work.
Ricekristinies: They are all the people that I would never hang out with.
call me godzilla: exactly!
call me godzilla: and when you leave work at roughly the same time every day, you go to your car, pull out of the parking lot and realize you're trapped
call me godzilla: just another square in an endless machine of cubicles!
call me godzilla: you don't want that, i don't want that, so don't get stuck with it
Ricekristinies: I'm sad now.

...I'm not really quitting....yet....just thinking about other possibilities. Without my parents voice of reason. I'M GOING TO FOLLOW MY HEART. FORGET REASON!

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