Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bills, Bills, Bills.

Lauren Riggs is my best friend from high school. We've been through some rough patches in our years. And by rough patches, I mean petty fights over stupid high school boys. The worst kind of rough patches, in my opinion.

I appreciate having Lauren in my life so much. She goes to NC State and we really don't do well keeping in touch when we are in our respective states. However, we have the type of amazing friendship that can be picked up where it was left off. In most cases, we spend our entire summers together running, walking, biking, and ....eating. We encourage each other to eat healthier, we take turns talking about things going on in our lives, and we laugh. We laugh a lot.

I got sad today thinking that we won't be spending our summers together anymore. We're taking the great plunge into reality. Into real jobs, dating with the intent of marriage, and bills, bills, bills. Yes, Destiny's Child said it best. Each of these things tend to scare me shitless every time I begin to formulate plans about them in my head, so I guess I'm doing my best to ignore it for now. It's odd, because I'm typically so proactive about things. I want answers, I want a plan, I just want to know. This is just different, I guess. I NEED A NICHE. I NEED A PASSION. I'm waiting for my niche in the same way that I'm waiting for love. It will come knocking on my door, right?

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