Thursday, November 8, 2007

"The common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract (URI) caused by some 200 different viruses. The average child will get 5-7 colds each year and the average adult will get 1-2 colds each year. It is the most “common” illness responsible for lost time at work and school. Colds are more common in the winter months. Symptoms last 3-10 days."

That's a human rhinovirus. I'm doing my best to kill him off with overdoses of vitamin C tablets and green tea. I WILL WIN.

I felt like crap this morning. I mean, REALLY felt like crap. I spent the whole night drooling out of my nose. To remedy this situation, I would have to reach my bare arms out of the nice, toasty covers and quilts I had comfortably situated around my body. This is when the nonstop shivering would start, keeping me awake all the night long. I awoke at 7:00 A.M. to a crusty nose and crusty eyes. A groan forced its way out as I ripped off the covers, jumped out of bed, and ran full speed to the bathroom where my only hope (in the form of warm droplets of water spit out of a circular metal rod with holes) was located.

The shower was mediocre. In order to REALLY remedy my problem, I took some "Dayquil" that was under my bed....unpackaged. It became apparent almost half an hour later that maybe "Dayquil" was really "Nyquil". Yep. To counteract the sleepiness, I had two shots of espresso. I WAS TRIPPIN'. Then, I made it home and collapsed into my bed.

Which brings me to now. 8:37 P.M. I'm going to a house show where my lumberjack friends are playing a bluegrass-esque show. Hooray!

Last night, we went to the Brew Pub and listened to a Bluegrass jam session. My friend Ben let me in the circle so I could 'holler' a song with them! It ruled. I want to play instruments again.


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